Zorghotels.eu offers a selection of accommodations for private stay with care and this is not limited to The Netherlands.
A selection is made from:
• convalescence resorts (health resorts)
• care residences
Stars reflect in principle the value of the reviews published by ZorgkaartNederland (ZKN) as follows:
ZKN rating / Our stars
5 - 6 1 star
6 - 7 2 stars
7 - 8 3 stars
8 - 9 4 stars
9 - 10 5 stars
We reserve the right to deviate - marked with - from this principle if we doubt the value of the reviews published by ZorgkaartNederland.
This website is a guide. We are not a booking agency! In order to avoid misunderstanding and disappointment we recommend direct booking with the selected address. Should unhoped-for something still go wrong then you know whom to hold responsible.
Accommodations do not all have the same facilities. Always check before booking whether the accommodation meets your personal needs!
We strive to provide accurate information, but can not accept any liability for imperfections in this and/or linked websites.
This website was designed and developed by:
Maaike Hammerstein www.maaikemedia.nl
Gosling Cools www.cobiz.nl
Polish: Karolina Jankowska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.